Tuesday, May 16, 2006


It was somewhat rolly on our mooring off Saba but not too bad. We got there late the first day and planed to check in with customs at the little harbor the next morning. We first tried to land our dinghy at Ladder Bay Beach, but couldn't see how steep it was, and when we landed, the waves crashed over the transom and swamped the boat.

Luckily Scott managed to push it beyond the waves and hold it there chest deep in water while I spent a half hour pumping the water out. Our outboard was OK thank goodness.
We were exhausted so we snorkeled around Wells Bay to recover and cool off - beautiful with caves and tunnels. - and after lunch went back to the harbor.

The road from there was hand-built and only finished in 1958 - like all the roads on Saba, it is very steep and narrow. People stopped and picked us up several times on our journey up through the small charming towns of Bottom and Windwardside. Two were medical students at the International School of Medicine, rated, we were told, fourth out of the 32 Medical schools in the Caribbean.
Imagine! We then walked all the way back to the landing, around 3 miles, mostly straight down, as it was late in the afternoon and there were very few cars. Our legs were protesting! The homes are almost all white with red roofs and with either green or soft red shutters and somewhat Victorian in style. We stopped at a small museum to pick up a trail map. We hoped to hike up to the top of the volcano and into the crater. The volunteer there suggested we have her husband, a cab driver, pick us up in the morning and take us to the trailhead, an excellent plan. More about the hike on our next posting!