Group shot without Heather (who took the picture) |
Group shot without Jenny |
Russ begins the Fourth celebrations by arriving on Friday!
This was the only rain (and it was brief).
He had just had hip replacement surgery 5 days before. |
It was another fantastic Fourth of July weekend. The largest attendance, 26 at top, for a very long time. The Garren Shay Pavlovic DeKrey (Heather, Scott, James, Morgen, Sean & Will), Wolf (Russ, Marty, Jenny, Julie & Molly), Bond D'Arpa (Debra & Dick), Silverstein (David, Leslie, Scott), Barns (Larry, Luke and Christine) families and David Wood were mostly all there. We all missed the Youmans as they were unable to attend due to Susan's illness. Leslie Smith & Rob Nichols joined us again. And Sean & Will had 6 friends come as well (Jesse, Sarah, Josh, Asaf, Sarah and Pepijn). Russ was a trooper, arriving only days after his surgery.
We had great food as always, water skiing, swimming, running, hiking and games. And wonderful times just sitting and talking - solving the problems of the world - or not! Until next year...
Rob, Leslie, James and Morgen |
Rob, Leslie, Larry and Christine on the deck |
David, Leslie, Scott and Dick pitch right in with desert. |
Along with Christine (and Larry way back) |
Morgen helps herself to brown sugar cake (Marty's) |
Relaxing in the living room on Saturday.
Scott G., Christine, James, Dick and Scott S. |
Leslie & Deb cuddle up. |
Molly, Sarah, Jesse, Asaf, Leslie and Julie |
Close up of Leslie & Julie |
And Morgen with Molly |
Games were played of all kinds. |
With some observing - here Jesse with a lot of beach towels.
We swam every day at the lake. |
Josh and Morgen watch the show |
James & Morgen, Asaf, Will and Pepijn |
Sean & Sarah |
Kibbitzing on the deck: Dick, Scott, Leslie, Russ and Deb |
Will |
Will & Sean work on the BBQ ribs |
Jenny appreciates the dinner. |
But it obviously doesn't affect her figure! |
Luke and Scott |
tent village at the old wedding site |
David Wood leads the way on the hike. |
Crossing the stream with the Davids |
Scott, Deb and Heather |
Christine & Larry |
Leslie brings out her famous flag cake with Jesse's help. |
Cleaning up was a constant job |
Leslie and David Wood |
Will and James partner up. |
Asaf, Will, Josh, James, Jesse and Sean - the board games
came out in the evening. |
Scott made blueberry pancakes - a lot of them! |
James made the whole dinner one night: Steak tacos with
slaw and an amazing corn salad. |
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