We love our sailing life but we miss our family and friends back home a lot. Luckily we are able to return twice a year to catch up with everyone. This year we flew back in the middle of May and returned July 9th. During our months sailing from the Eastern Caribbean along the Venezuelan Coast to Bonaire and Curacao we sold our home in Vermont and bought another one. We left a power of attorney with our lawyer and instructions to pack and move us out of the old home and into a storage unit. The day after Heather flew back we moved into the new house over three days. We still had a lot of our posessions from our former home in Brookline in yet another storage facility in Massachusetts. Our son Sean helped Heather pick out furniture, mainly couches to fill in. It was a crazy busy first week back, but at the end of it, we had a most everything in place.
Our first company arrived Memorial Day weekend. Our son Josh and his family (Michal and the children, Daniel (4), Ariel (2) and Maya (7 months) from Newton (Daniel and Ariel are with me above left and Josh and Michal in our new kitchen on the right), our son James from Brooklyn (shown here mugging it up in our beer hat from Carnival in Grenada), and Sean, still at Dartmouth all were together with us in our new home. Everyone approved the move.

The following week we played host to a large and changing group of Sean's friends from Dartmouth. People came and went and everyone was delightful. Scott and I so loved meeting Sean's friends and watching the fun. Luckily the weather cooperated and everyone swam in the lake and soaked in the hot tub. And of course ate huge communal meals. The move from our tiny 1100 sq ft house to 3500 sq ft has made this a lot easier.
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