We're back in Placencia after a wonderful week far out on the reefs. Jim and Renate on Emerald Seas and John and Penny on Contento joined us for the trip. We owe a special thank you to Jim and Renate as they led the way through the cut in the reef going out to sea and then again through the tricky entrance into Glover's atoll. Contento and ourselves followed happily behind. Our electronic charts were way off so we relied on our guidebook heavily and our eyes - eyeball navigation it's called. We've all had lots of practice with that but it's always a bit nerve wracking. Basically it's deep blue - go on through and brown, go aground (and all the colors in between). The anchorage at the southern end of the atoll, just off Southwest Cays was spectacular as you can see from the sunrise picture in my previous blog entry. There were several coral reefs not far from our boats where we enjoyed great snorkeling. Our first night we had everyone over to our boat for drinks and substantial tapas which served for dinner. The Marisol Resort on one of the two islands gave us a great welcome. Scott, Renate and Jim did a number of dives with them. John, Penny and myself went along one morning for the ride as the dive was down the north end of the island. I do miss diving (doctor's orders) but happy I have many wonderful memories of past ones.
One night we had drinks and dinners at the resort and enjoyed spending time with Dive Masters Mora and Ali, manager Willis and bartender Cara.
Scott and I in front of a rainbow ending on Scott Free |
Scott, Penny and myself in the cockpit of Scott Free |
And across from us Renate, Jim and John |
Jim took pictures on their dives and shared them - here
Scott |
We bought big lobsters from local fishermen and I boiled
them, took out the meat and sauteed it in butter, served
with inelegant but delicious mashed potatoes and green beans |
These fishermen come far out to sea in these tiny boats and
live on them for a week at a time - 6 to 8 of them! |
Lionfish are beautiful but an invasive species that has
wrecked havoc on the reefs and local fish. They are hard
to clean but luckily delcious. |
Renate floating over the coral |
My favorite fish, Queen Angel, colorful and with lots of
personality |
Renate, Scott and Jim almost ready to dive |
After six days relaxing there the weather changed to overcast and squally. We left at 10am unfortunately with poor light. Again, Emerald Seas safely led us out and then later again in through the South Water Cut. Our destination was Sapadilla Lagoon on the mainland. Emerald Seas had been there before and loved it. They were right. It's a quiet mangrove lined lagoon and to bring a smile to our faces, the sun came out. We had a pot luck dinner that night on Emerald Seas for our three boats and Ed and Audrey on Manana. It was a great meal and even better company.
Another fishing boat at the dock of the island nearest us and for sale now for $5 million - interested? |
Renate, Jim, Heather, Scott, John and Penny at Marisol's fun bar |
The bar in the daytime |
Looking down the beach at Marisol |
John, Penny and Jim on Emerald Seas at SapaSdilla Lagoon |
Scott, Renate, Ed and Audrey of Manana |