Saturday, October 16, 2021

Fall Visits

 Heather drove down to Maryland for a visit with her sister Paula on September 23rd and Scott followed on AmTRAK on the 28th. From there we went on to our son James' in Washington DC for 3 days, driving back from there on Monday, October 4th. Due to Heather's screw-up, our friend Barbara Craig had arrived at our home several days earlier but enjoyed some peace and quiet after a long trip up the East coast from Florida before we joined her.  She welcomed us home with a great dinner! A few days later we had dinner at her rental house on Lake Catherine with friends Melinda and Bob. 

Scott on one of the many hikes he took with Brent

Scott's brother Brent and sister-in-law Wilma

Then Scott's brother Brent and sister-in-law Wilma arrived for a visit from October 12th to the 16th. Their cousin Lisa drove up to spend the day with us on Wednesday. The weather was amazing all week - sunny and with a high of 71 every day. Perfect fall weather with the gorgeous foliage at a peak. 

Heather's sister Paula and Scott at her home in 
Belcamp, MD

We visited the Zoo in Washington DC and as you
can see wore masks, including Kolya

And even the statues were cautious

Morgen, James, and Kolya as we head home
after a long day at the Zoo

Kolya loves the water and this huge pool down by
the River in Washington is a favorite location. 
Grammy rolled up her pants to join in. 

Getting his suit on 

And now let's get in!

Kolya enjoying fall decorations.

And a cuddle up at the end of the day with Dada

He loves pumpkins!

Scott's brother Brent and our sister-in-law Wilma came up after we returned for a visit. We drove
over to Killington by way of Farm & Wilderness, where they went to camp. Wilma took these
lovely photos of the fall colors.

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