Wednesday, May 08, 2019

Back in the U.S.A.

I just love the Tshirt message... Kolya's a redhead like
our sons James and Sean. He is 9 months old now.
We flew back to Washington DC from Guatemala City to spend time with our son James, daughter-in-law Morgen, and newest grandson Kolya. It was a fun week touring the city with them. They live in the Capitol district so we could walk to most things. Of course, we enjoyed many excellent meals at local restaurants and happily babysat to allow James & Morgen a few night's out. Kolya is a dreamchild - so easy to take care of and laugh with.
I had the pleasure of waking with him in the morning and can report that he's happy from the start of the day.  I miss him so much now that we've left and moved on to my sister's for a few days before returning home. Happily, he'll be coming with his parents for a good long stay in July! We can't wait!
But it's a pleasure too being with my sister Paula. And she is also coming this summer for a visit so good-byes are not so hard.
Happy Grammy and Kolya!

Kolya checking out the menu at the Rappahonnock Oyster
Bar down on the Potomac River - excellent!

And visiting the American
Pre-Raphaelites exhibit at the National Museum.

Taking a break at the museum's cafe..

But his favorite was the ARTECHOUSE's newest interactive
exhibit, "In Peak Bloom." by a group of women graphic
Here Kolya gently touched the hanging plants in the
exhibit to generate a music and light show

It was hard to tear him away!
Heather, Paula and our friend Judy out for lunch

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