Friday, July 06, 2018

On to Geiranger, Norway

The weather was cold and misty as our ship cruised down the
Our next stop was Geiranger, the 3rd biggest cruise ship port in Norway, with a population of 250 people. It's a UNESCO World Heritage Site and the scenery is spectacular. We got up early to water the ship travel down the Storfjorden Fjord to the Geirangerfjorden Fjord which branches off it. It was cold, windy and damp.
Happily the weather improved during the day and by noon, we had mostly sunny skies and the temperature climbed to 70 degrees (in the sun).  In the morning we climbed through the town and up the hill to the Geiranger Church on the road and then came down the elaborate set of staircases beside the raging waterfall.
In the afternoon we signed on to a local tour bus that visited three famous vista sights (much cheaper than the "official" tours).

You can see Scott's hair blowing sideways.
We were up on the top deck of the ship,
14th floor, at the bow taking photos.

Honoree had to stand on one of the crates to take photos.
Waterfalls fell down the cliffs on all sides.

The famous 7 Sisters Waterfall, unfortunately only 4 of them
were visible at this time of year.

Across the way was "The Suitor" Waterfall, shorter but very

The town of Geiranger. Another cruise ship had preceeded us and took the single dock. So we had our first departure on
the Konigsdam's tenders.
 Geiranger is under constant threat from the Akemeset Mountain across from it. A landslide could trigger a tsunami that would destroy the town. Several other villages in Norway have had this very thing happen, with huge loss of life. A 2016 Norwegian movie called The Wave imagines this event - good reviews on Rotten Tomatoes!
Zig zag roads were necessary up the steep slopes.

Scott boards our tender.

We loved this bright yellow tractor.

Many of the homes had "lawns" or gardens on their roofs.
In the foreground is one of them - with a couple of bushes.

Looking down from the road at the fields and on the right, a campground along the water. 

Looking back at the two ships: our's is on the left.

The Geiranger Church was charming and hosting a wedding
that day.

It was a beautiful sunny day but still quite cool as you can
see by my fleece jacket.
We walked uphill along the raging stream.

And then downhill on a set of elaborate staircases.

This placid stream was a big contrast.

That's the camping ground on the flat land at the bottom - hopefully the warning system installed to give the residents time
to make it to higher ground if that tsunami strikes - works well!

Cantilevered decks gave everyone great views. There is one
at the bottom and one higher up.

In the afternoon we took a local touring bus that brought us to 3 famous view points. This was the first, basically further up
the hill we had climbed that morning.

The second one gave us some beautiful views up the fjord - here back to The Sisters.

And back towards Geiranger.

Further up the mountain we could see signs for the
many hiking trails.

There were good maps and info available in several languages
including English. Everyone in Norway speaks mostly good

Trolls are ubiquitous, in Norwegian folk tales and in
every town (set up for photos). Here's Honoree. 

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