Monday, August 08, 2011

Building a Lean-to - Week Two

In week two we finished planking the roof, carrying in all the materials, and most of the walls.  One side wall is only half finished because we're installing a window there. The roof is all complete except for the green tin cover arriving in a week or so. Friday and Saturday nights were party nights with a lot of Sean's friends arriving and in some cases departing. Each morning we worked on site and then moved on to more fun activities - we are all on vacation after all.
Sean organized hikes on the Appalachian/Long Trail ending at Clarendon Gorge with a swim in the river. Many of the group are runners and various length/routes were completed each day. And of course, we ate and ate and ate and did a little drinking too! There were hot tub records set - eight adults at one time, and midnight swims. Despite all this, the lean-to was 85% complete by the end of the two weeks. Thanks everyone!
Friday night a big group arrived, although all but Derrick had to leave the next morning. Shown here from left
Molly, Trey, David, Erica, Chris, Will, Sean and Derrick

Will working on attaching the roof planks to the joists
with the nail gun

Saturday morning's work crew -
Derrick, Will, Sean, Heather and Scott

Spring Lake is just up our road. We swam
there during the day and sometimes
late at night.

Hannah, Piper and Jenny joined us on
Saturday along with Courtney and Deb 

Piper and Hannah carried in a lot of lumber on Sunday

Derrick makes even hard work more fun. He's working
as a team with Deb

At the end of Sunday morning the roof was finished
and all the materials carried in and stored neatly on site.
Work crew first row; Deb, Piper, Hannah, Jenny and
Heather. In the rear; Sean, Derrick and Will (Scott
taking photo)

Jenny hamming it up with her salad

Courtney is finally in the picture. She needed Saturday
morning to catch up on her sleep.
Here's the full weekend work crew - top Hannah, Piper,
Courtney, Jenny and Deb
bottom - Sean, Will and Derrick

Our daughter Zoe and grandson Nick joined the party on
Saturday - here at the lake enjoying the great weather.

Grandson Tommy provided music and
entertainment for us

Deb worked hard on the siding

Courtney stretching her long legs up to the
top of the job

They really did an artistic job on our siding

Derrick, Hannah and Gabriel nailing in the nailers

Nick helps by keeping everyone supplied with nails

Tuesday's work crew - Gabriel, Hannah, Piper and Nick in front
Courtney, Deb, Derrick, Scott and Sean in back
Heather took the picture

Wandi and Lisa at our ever present meals. Wandi and
parents, Scott's brother Brent and wife Wilma arrived
along with Lisa and son Gabriel on Monday

Thursday's work crew - Courtney, Piper, Sean, Nick and
Scott (Heather taking photo)

Not all work no play - fooling around in the kitchen,
Brent, Courtney and Wilma

Play and work perfectly combined - Piper helps
Nick build a Lego Millinium Falcon

And Courtney works/plays with Tommy to construct
a Lego garage with lots of cars and a helicopter

There's time for relaxing too

Sean is nailing in the supports for the roof extension.  We
ordered a special 18 foot 4 x 4 beam for the front of this.
It was a tough job hoisting it up in place!

Nick helped Piper and Courtney with their table top

They built a bench too!

The final work crew on Friday - Piper, Nick, Sean, Courtney, Scott and Heather

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