Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Nassau to Ft. Lauderdale, Florida

These photos taken from the cockpit looking forward illustrate the contrasts in our life beautifully. The first two are on the shallow banks of the Bahamas as we motor in flat seas from Nassau to just north of Bimini. Then the third was taken as we entered Port Everglades inlet into Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.

We were traveling with our friends Ed and Benia on "Sea Angel", a Nauticat 44. We left Nassau at 9 AM and arrived the next morning at 7:30 AM. It was a windless passage with absolutely flat seas until we exited the banks and headed across the Gulf Stream but here the wind picked up only enough to fill our sails (but not to shut off the motor).

Ed had made reservations for both of us at the Municipal Marina up the New River in the center of the city. It was a great place and at $.63 a foot, a bargain! We tied up just after the 3rd Ave. SE bridge on the side of the river. Lovely paved walks line the river on both sides with parks making us one of the centers of attraction for the populace.

Really everyone was very nice and we enjoyed walking both on the river and around the shop lined streets.
We arrived on Sunday, Mother's Day so after settling the boats and cleaning up the four of us walked down Los Olas Blvd checking out the restaurants. We settled on a charming French Bistro and it was a great choice. What a great celebration; wine, excellent food and beautiful roses for Benia and I afterwards.
Scott and I were glad to get back to the U.S. before the oncoming northern front as we were flying out to California on May 13, returning on the 18th. Scott's Uncle Dan was celebrating his 100th birthday and 70th wedding anniversary, and our grandson Nick his 7th.!

Until the week before we hadn't been sure we'd make it back to the States in time to fly there. So last minute travel plans were made. One problem hadn't been anticipated. We don't have any "dress up" clothes on board! Scott needed a jacket, slacks and shoes and I needed an outfit and shoes.

So we rented a car and went shopping. Benia too needed a dress for a wedding so we spent a fun day together. My other problem was five months without seeing a hairdresser! I found one on line and emerged ready for any occasion! Especially since I've lost about 20 pounds due to a the bacterial infection you'll hear more about when I finish earlier postings!
Scott and I also had the opportunity to visit the SSCA (Seven Seas Cruising Association) headquarters. We met the Association Director, Judith Ross Mkam (on the right in their office below), and Administrative Coordinator, Dayanna Guerrero (on the left). The office is a lot smaller than when we last visited but they have managed to get everything well organized (and save the organization money). Scott and I are looking forward to the SSCA Gam in Annapolis in October and have volunteered to help.

Old friends Julia and Paul on "Coral Bay" surprised us by tying up behind us after a few days and we had they and Ed & Benia over our last night for the evening. Julia and Paul kindly watched our boat for us while we were gone. It was a lot easier leaving her as a result. And then we were off to California early on the 13th. More about that in another posting.

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